Forms and widgets reference

The application provides some forms and widgets, useful for managing the vote action using different methods (e.g. star rating, slider rating).

Of course you can subclass the provided forms and widget in order to create your custom vote methods.

The base vote forms, if the handler allows it, are used for vote deletion too.

You can take a look at Usage and examples for an explanation of how to use AJAX with forms.


class ratings.forms.VoteForm(forms.Form)

Form class to handle voting of content objects.

You can customize the app giving a custom form class, following some rules:

  • the form must define the content_type and object_pk fields
  • the form’s __init__ method must take as first and second positional arguments the target object getting voted and the ratings key
  • the form must define the get_vote method, getting the request and a boolean allow_anonymous and returning an unsaved instance of the vote model
  • the form must define the delete method, getting the request and returning True if the form requests the deletion of the vote
get_score_field(self, score_range, score_step, can_delete_vote)

Return the score field. Subclasses may ovveride this method in order to change the field used to store score value.

get_score_widget(self, score_range, score_step, can_delete_vote)

Return the score widget. Subclasses may ovveride this method in order to change the widget used to display score input.

get_vote(self, request, allow_anonymous)

Return an unsaved vote object based on the information in this form. Assumes that the form is already validated and will throw a ValueError if not.

The vote can be a brand new vote or a changed vote. If the vote is just created then the instance’s id will be None.


Return the vote model used to rate an object.

get_vote_data(self, request, allow_anonymous)

Return two dicts of data to be used to look for a vote and to create a vote.

Subclasses in custom ratings apps that override get_vote_model can override this method too to add extra fields into a custom vote model.

If the first dict is None, then the lookup is not performed.

delete(self, request)

Return True if the form requests to delete the vote.

class ratings.forms.SliderVoteForm(VoteForm)

Handle voting using a slider widget.

In order to use this form you must load the jQuery.ui slider javascript.

This form triggers the following javascript events:

  • slider_change with the vote value as argument (fired when the user changes his vote)
  • slider_delete without arguments (fired when the user deletes his vote)

It’s easy to bind these events using jQuery, e.g.:

$(document).bind('slider_change', function(event, value) {
    alert('New vote: ' + value);
class ratings.forms.StarVoteForm(VoteForm)

Handle voting using a star widget.

In order to use this form you must download the jQuery Star Rating Plugin available at and then load the required javascripts and css, e.g.:

<link href="/path/to/jquery.rating.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/jquery.MetaData.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/jquery.rating.js"></script>

This form triggers the following javascript events:

  • star_change with the vote value as argument (fired when the user changes his vote)
  • star_delete without arguments (fired when the user deletes his vote)

It’s easy to bind these events using jQuery, e.g.:

$(document).bind('star_change', function(event, value) {
    alert('New vote: ' + value);


class ratings.forms.widgets.SliderWidget(BaseWidget)

Slider widget.

In order to use this widget you must load the jQuery.ui slider javascript.

This widget triggers the following javascript events:

  • slider_change with the vote value as argument (fired when the user changes his vote)
  • slider_delete without arguments (fired when the user deletes his vote)

It’s easy to bind these events using jQuery, e.g.:

$(document).bind('slider_change', function(event, value) {
    alert('New vote: ' + value);
class ratings.forms.widgets.StarWidget(BaseWidget)

Starrating widget.

In order to use this widget you must download the jQuery Star Rating Plugin available at and then load the required javascripts and css, e.g.:

<link href="/path/to/jquery.rating.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/jquery.MetaData.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/jquery.rating.js"></script>

This widget triggers the following javascript events:

  • star_change with the vote value as argument (fired when the user changes his vote)
  • star_delete without arguments (fired when the user deletes his vote)

It’s easy to bind these events using jQuery, e.g.:

$(document).bind('star_change', function(event, value) {
    alert('New vote: ' + value);