Models reference

Base models

class ratings.models.Score(models.Model)

A score for a content object.

Fields: content_type, object_id, content_object, key, average, total, num_votes.

Manager: ratings.managers.RatingsManager


Return all the related votes (same content_object and key).

recalculate(self, weight=0, commit=True)

Recalculate the score using all the related votes, and updating average score, total score and number of votes.

The optional argument weight is used to calculate the average score: an higher value means a lot of votes are needed to increase the average score of the target object.

If the optional argument commit is False then the object is not saved.

class ratings.models.Vote(models.Model)

A single vote relating a content object.

Fields: content_type, object_id, content_object, key, score, user, ip_address, cookie, created_at, modified_at.

Manager: ratings.managers.RatingsManager


Return the score related to current content_object and key. Return None if score does not exist.


Return True if this vote is given by an anonymous user.

Adding or changing scores and votes

ratings.models.upsert_score(instance_or_content, key, weight=0)

Update or create current score values (average score, total score and number of votes) for target object instance_or_content and the given key.

The argument instance_or_content can be a model instance or a sequence (content_type, object_id).

You can use the optional argument weight to make more difficult for a target object to obtain a higher rating.

Return a sequence score, created.

Deleting scores and votes


Delete all score objects related to instance_or_content, that can be a model instance or a sequence (content_type, object_id).


Delete all vote objects related to instance_or_content, that can be a model instance or a sequence (content_type, object_id).

In bulk selections

ratings.models.annotate_scores(queryset_or_model, key, **kwargs)

Annotate queryset_or_model with scores, in order to retreive from the database all score values in bulk.

The first argument queryset_or_model must be, of course, a queryset or a Django model object. The argument key is the score key.

In kwargs it is possible to specify the values to retreive mapped to field names (it is up to you to avoid name clashes). You can annotate the queryset with the number of votes (num_votes), the average score (average) and the total sum of all votes (total).

For example, the following call:

annotate_scores(Article.objects.all(), 'main',
    average='average', num_votes='num_votes')

Will return a queryset of article and each article will have two new attached fields average and num_votes.

Of course it is possible to sort the queryset by a score value, e.g.:

for article in annotate_scores(Article, 'by_staff',
    staff_avg='average', staff_num_votes='num_votes'
    ).order_by('-staff_avg', '-staff_num_votes'):
    print 'staff num votes:', article.staff_num_votes
    print 'staff average:', article.staff_avg
ratings.models.annotate_votes(queryset_or_model, key, user, score='score')

Annotate queryset_or_model with votes, in order to retreive from the database all vote values in bulk.

The first argument queryset_or_model must be, of course, a queryset or a Django model object. The argument key is the score key.

The votes are filtered using given user. For anonymous voters this functionality is unavailable.

The score itself will be present in the attribute named score of each instance of the returned queryset.

Usage example:

for article in annotate_votes(Article.objects.all(), 'main', myuser,
    print 'your vote:', article.myscore

Abstract models

class ratings.models.RatedModel(models.Model)

Mixin for votable models.

get_score(self, key)

Return the score for the current model instance and key. Useful attrs:

  • self.get_score(mykey).average
  • self.get_score(mykey).total
  • self.get_score(mykey).num_votes

If score does not exist, return None.


class ratings.managers.RatingsManager(models.Manager)

Manager used by Score and Vote models.

get_for(self, content_object, key, **kwargs)

Return the instance related to content_object and matching kwargs. Return None if a vote is not found.

filter_for(self, content_object_or_model, **kwargs)

Return all the instances related to content_object_or_model and matching kwargs. The argument content_object_or_model can be both a model instance or a model class.

filter_with_contents(self, **kwargs)

Return all instances retreiving content objects in bulk in order to minimize db queries, e.g. to get all objects voted by a user:

for vote in Vote.objects.filter_with_contents(user=myuser):
    vote.content_object # this does not hit the db